Alright, change of plans. So well my elder brother cooked the meal together with a little help from my Mum, hehe. And all I did was staying in my room and making cards for both of my parents. They weren't complete before dinner so I continued after the dinner. AND.. TADA!! Finally completed..
Here are some pictures of the completed cards:
Pre-done card for my Dad.
Card for my Mum (front).
Card done for my Dad (front)
Both cards (front)
Both cards (back).
Card for my Dad (back).
Card for my Mum (back)
and oh yah, thi morning my mother sent a message to me which goes:
"thnks son. Mom and Dad love you. Bless you and hugs."
which I've never received before and I really felt so blessed. Thank God for my mother and father. For the family I'm in, and I'll be sure to cherish them more.
and I'm kinda glad that my mom used the word Bless, because as I've said, she don't really believe in God and stuffs. So yeap, God bless my parents and everyone reading this. Take care.
Labels: birthday, cards, dinner, father, junyongk, mother
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