I had a taste of the consequence of poor management.
Some time ago, I was given the task to stick and paste parts together to form a wobbler, which is basically a piece of card on a plastic strip that you see in the super market. And well the wobblers, have so so many it doesnt seem to end, and I remember that time I helped to make around 400 of them, as the thickness and shape is quite irregular so difficult to pack.
So after doing that 400, I was told to put into a paper bag. And happily I submitted my work, now here comes the consequence, because they didn't think ahead, much of the wobblers have been damaged because they were put together in the bag.
AND, I'll have to redo them.....
In the beginning they should have thought of that, and not ask me to put into a paper bag. And now look at my waste of efforts, I'll have to put them back together again. Doing one isn't hard but doing in bulk numbers is wow.
But well, it doesn't affect me because I have work piling up and that'll have to wait. Till then.
Labels: consequences
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