Sunday, November 25, 2007
NO ONE CAN CHANGE YOU EXCEPT YOU!greatest failure is not in one's results but in one's heart. When you proclaim failure in your heart, all that you do fails. When you refuse to think the right way, no one can help you except yourself. And, any failures you face in the future, you have yourself to blame, for walking to a cliff when you knew long ago that there is one there.
Decisions = Destiny.
The path that you'll take, lies with you. Don't know which path to take? Ask Him.
God bless,
KLabels: failure, junyongk
Cube's BestTimes:
[2X2X2] -m -s | [3X3X3] 1m 30s | [4X4X4] 6m 31s | [5X5X5] -m -s
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Thursday, November 22, 2007
I feel so totally owned.
Tell me am I blur or what? These few days I've been like bathing, thinking that the shampoo ran out, so I used another shampoo that is placed in the rack also, which I don't like the smell of it. And that I realise there is this pink bottle which looks like body wash and mmm, the smell is nice, so I used it as body wash.
It was until just now, I decide to check out the brand so that next time I can buy this nice smelling "body wash" and !!!! It is the freaking shampoo!! My goodness. Oh well, laugh louder if you wish, I just admit I am plain dumb. Haha.
Well, so learn from my mistake or foolishness or whatever, do check the body wash/shampoo you are using right now to make sure there are no mistakes like mine. =(.. Buuu~
And another dumb thing happened today, alright I had lessons from 8am all the way to 1p.m. After which I rushed home because I wanted to do some room keeping. When I was bathing (yes, thats when I used the shampoo as body wash....!!) I kept feeling that I forgotten something, and I realise.. I am meeting Ms Peggy and Douglas for MP meeting at 3 in school! Alright, nice one..
So I changed again, rushed out, and Luckily, I reached school just in time. So basically, there is something not right with me.. Haha.
Labels: blur, junyongk
Cube's BestTimes:
[2X2X2] -m -s | [3X3X3] 1m 30s | [4X4X4] 6m 31s | [5X5X5] -m -s
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Thursday, November 15, 2007
DEFEAT.1st off, what is defeat? Losing in a game, losing in work, losing in property, losing face or what? Often we define defeat as losing in anything. But I tell you, the real defeat is "losing to YOURSELF".
Why I say so? Look, no one can defeat you except yourself. I'm not asking you to become a sore loser but if you have an attitude of a winner, that's it! You are already a winner. If even before a competition and you feel defeated already, then forget about the competition. Therefore the key to winning is yourself! Your attitude!
What's the use of envying others and feeling defeated? Have an attitude of a winner, have faith. believe and don't aim to walk in people's shoes. Be yourself, haven't got one? Make yourself now! Dwelling in your circumstances MAKES NO CHANGE! In order for things around you to change, start CHANGING YOURSELF.
If you tried and it doesn't work, stop trying to pity yourself and complain about the circumstances, if you do, then I think that's probably why it didn't work. Think about it, do you really want a change? If you really do, would you accept the answers that are given to you? If you haven't try it, you won't know it. And, your circumstances would NEVER change, you'll always remain in defeat of yourself.
[well, i hope that anyone out there that is facing this problem would really wake up after seeing this. Because I know exactly how you guys feel and this is my advice for ya, take care..]junyong
Labels: defeat, junyongk
Cube's BestTimes:
[2X2X2] -m -s | [3X3X3] 1m 30s | [4X4X4] 6m 31s | [5X5X5] -m -s
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Monday, November 12, 2007
HAPPY 14th MONTH DARLING!~My dumb dumb is so dumb! She forgot our 14th because she is too engrossed in her own birthday even though that was like 2 days ago. Humph loud loud! So dumb de, but ok la, as long as u happy jiu hao. Haha. Love u lots. MUACKIE!~ =)))
(sorry, been active for more than 25hours, brain dead...)
Labels: 14th, aiai, darling, jiawen, junyongk
Cube's BestTimes:
[2X2X2] -m -s | [3X3X3] 1m 30s | [4X4X4] 6m 31s | [5X5X5] -m -s
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Sunday, November 11, 2007
1st off,
HAPPY BIRTHDAY GEORGY BRO!!~Wish you all the best to becoming a 3d modeller and animator man. I believe you can do it and you surely have the potiential to man. Jiayou all the way and I'm looking forward for a few tips from you haha. Take care bro, stay happy and may you have a blessed and blissful future ahead with amanda!~ Love ya bro. lol =)
ok like I said ytd, I am excited about the lunch today and also the shirt I drew. But how come it seems so unsignificant? I know my present comparing to anyone else is the lousiest and most valueless, but at least I thought you would be excited to see what I got for you. Especially since 2 years ago I drew a shirt for you, you liked it alot and now... hais..
am I still important? this time I'm not jealous about any of your gifts lol, not even the nice DS Lite, infact I'm real happy you finally got it! But just that, like I mentioned above, you don't seem at all excited to receive anything I give.. well, nevermind lol.
That's all folks, don't worry I'm absolutely fine, just ranting out loud. Lol.
Take care everyone!~ God bless for the week ahead!.
Labels: birthday, george, junyongk
Cube's BestTimes:
[2X2X2] -m -s | [3X3X3] 1m 30s | [4X4X4] 6m 31s | [5X5X5] -m -s
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Saturday, November 10, 2007
So happy to be celebrating your birthday yay!~ Although I know it isn't a big-bang-oh-wow full of presents celebration. But I hope you really enjoyed this day with me. I also admit that I really haven been planning much, no ideas, no money, no nothing. I don't know why I seem so busy with so many stuffs all going on at once, starting is work, then project proposals, then school stuffs lol. But I am really happy as well that you are happy. I LOVE YOU!~ =). (+ 2 more days is gonna be our 14th =]. )
it was kinda a tough tough preparation because I don't know why I am so luan in doing anything this week. Probably because I am a little stress because of the stupid OGL event, holding up my pay, that I have been living on $280 bucks for 2 months... therefore I am like financially stressed! Thank God some loan shark decided to lend me money (haha kidding.. but really someone lend me.). Yeah, so today went out with darling to celebrate her birthday!~ wee =). We went to suntec 1st to get donuts from Donut Factory because I have this craving for it, always see people walking around with donuts and donuts and donuts, so went to treat dar to eat it (shun pian la..). Then around 6 we left suntec.
2 days ago I called up Ivan (my buddy + ex colleague in Ricciotti) to help me book 2 seats in Gyu-Kaku @ Chijmes. So ya, basically it's a japanese bbq restuarant, the prices are a little above average i think. BUT hey, it's beef ya, so naturally expensive. 1 plate of beef, 1 plate of chicken, 1 plate of mushrooms + a stone pot rice + drinks = 50+ for the two of us. Not so bad, at least its a nice experience and darling is happy, hehe.
After that we went to the place where darling loves most (and I don't know why.), Esplanade!~ Just sat there, supposingly to enjoy the view but like I told darling, we are facing inwards, so basically look at people (the malays that are gathering over there..) then I drew something lame in darling's note book haha. After that we went to take bus back to darling's house, watched tv, I drank Ice wine (this brand lousy, not nice.) then ate bread. After awhile it rained and I left her house for the last bus home.
Although today really didn't go as much as I imagined the day to be, but it is really still very nice =). I am still so excited because because.. soon! shhh =). Happy birthday little girl. Muacks.
Labels: baby, birthday., jiawen
Cube's BestTimes:
[2X2X2] -m -s | [3X3X3] 1m 30s | [4X4X4] 6m 31s | [5X5X5] -m -s
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Monday, November 05, 2007
Hmmm, I wonder where was it that I actually got this dream. Was it during my nap at the airport, on bus, or on my own bed. Ok, it happened yesterday like as mentioned, I don't know where I dreamt about this but well..
It was my very first spiritual attack. The dream only consist of Me, Jinlong, Douglas and last and the LEAST, the demon. I shall not elaborate much, basically in the dream i see jL in front of me and douglas behind me walking. Suddenly when I turn behind, Douglas became jL and meaning there are 2 jL's and no more douglas. when I turn back, the jL infront became the demon and it grab me on my shoulders and shook me violently.
Strangely but I felt no fear in me at all. All I did was stare at the demon face to face and really trying to resist it's grip on me and I keep trying to cast it away in Jesus name. Basically I was shouting "in Jesus mighty name.." and then I woke up. Everything felt so real, I mean not those dreams that when you wake up you know that literally "oh, it is a dream", it is those that when you wake up you'll wonder "did this happen for real or wad?" kind. haha..
so well, this is where I'm gonna stop today. God bless all of you and to those facing spiritual attacks, do not fear for the Lord is with you wherever you go and whatever you do. The name of Jesus surpass all evil. Amen!
Cube's BestTimes:
[2X2X2] -m -s | [3X3X3] 1m 30s | [4X4X4] 6m 31s | [5X5X5] -m -s
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Sunday, November 04, 2007
Woo wahahah!~
I guess Douglas and Ai is feeling the very same excitement I am feeling right now!!
Yay! Really happy about today because Dahong came to join us in service and he got saved!
I don't know how to express this happiness in my heart but really thank God for this and also to Dahong for accepting my invitation, thank you douglas for being there, thank you Ai for also making the atmosphere right!! Today is really different man, with one new friend saved really lifted up our hearts, can really see happiness literally flowing out from Douglas, haha.
So Dahong, today is the day you are spiritually reborned (03/11/2007, 2000hrs)! Thank you, thank you for making Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. In this walk with Jesus, you will face difficulties and obstacles but do not worry for the Lord would guide you through because it is through all this difficulties and problems that you face that would eventually help to STRENGTHEN you and MOULD you to become a BETTER person!! Also the rest of us would be here to help you with any doubts or questions you may wish to know more about, feel free to approach Douglas and me and we would be more than willing to help you man. If not you may just come to our
N20 blog to post down any doubts you have =)
This is so cool, ultimately the thing that makes us feel happy is really seeing the people around us, our love ones and friends getting save, one at a time but week by week, day by day, slowly but surely, we'll get them ALL saved! Amen! As we begin to sow seeds into people's life, I believe and I have faith that it will grow, IT WILL GROW!! When we begin to do the natural, the planting of seed. God will do the supernatural, God would make the plant grow!
This weekend marks the start of our arise and build campaign, we are all pledging an amount and giving it in a 6-months time-span in order to build ourselves a church! As many of you know that CHC is currently holding it's main services at the Singapore Expo, so right now we really want to arise and build ourselves a magnificent STADIUM!! And I believe that as I began to sow this seed of breakthrough, I have faith that God would bless every cheerful and faithful giver a 60-fold, 100-fold back! Amen~!
Hallelujah = Praise The Lord.
Thank you Father for this wonderful blessing, we want more to be saved! Take care guys! If you haven't been saved yet, don't worry, I am waiting for you to be saved (so is God.). Cya all! Have a blessed weekend ahead! God bless!junyongK.Labels: arise and build, bless, Dahong, Jesus, N20, saved, stadium
Cube's BestTimes:
[2X2X2] -m -s | [3X3X3] 1m 30s | [4X4X4] 6m 31s | [5X5X5] -m -s
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Thursday, November 01, 2007
Woah, it's been like 12 days since my last post.
Alright man! Finally after 40days of veggie fast, I'm able to eat freely now. Some of you must be thinking, if it's so troublesome, why fast in the first place. But I must tell you that yes I'm relieve I can eat meat now, but during the times when I can't, it is really an endurance test for yourself. If you think eat anything but meat for 40 days is easy, I challenge you right now to take up this fast.
The reason why I fast is because I needed a breakthrough in my life, and that through fasting I can build up myself in terms of health and endurance. It's hard to explain the benefits of this fast, but I know that surely I am different from the time before I fasted.
So yeap, today mark's the end of my veggie fast and also the beverage fast I had ytd (so I'm breaking both same time today, or rather tonight). One advice, don't gorge yourself right after the break-fast, because your body can't really take sudden changes. And that is what is happening to me right now, I feel so full and I couldn't finish my mee!~
Thank God for helping me through the different food temptations I've faced in this 40 days and also for alot of blessings from my friends and family. Even though eating is not a sin, but when you begin to crub the outward man, that's when you have full control over your body. People often complain about them unable to control their emotions or feelings or actions, and that is why, unable to take control over themselves. And I think this fast is really posing a great challenge against yourself, especially those that
DISLIKE EATING VEGETABLES. (oh yes, you know I'm talking about you right there).
Btw, just side tracking a little, this coming sunday is going to be the last day of my work at the airport, so I hope that really next week onwards I'll have more time for many different activities. Still have to handle school work like, Major Project, CMSK assignment, POM assignment, Animation & Illustration Ministry Project (+ logo design), and also other commitments like cellgroup, service, ministry, bible study, fellowship with friends (outings, skating, singing), and lastly but not least, spending time with my family and also with my Ai. =)
So take care friends, all the best to those taking their O's and A's levels, believe in yourself that you can do it and you will. Like what pastor mentioned last weekend, "
if you can see it, you can have it".
Enjoy the rest of the week ahead. Cheers and take care. God bless.
Labels: activities, commitments, fasting, junyongk, prayer, work
Cube's BestTimes:
[2X2X2] -m -s | [3X3X3] 1m 30s | [4X4X4] 6m 31s | [5X5X5] -m -s
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