Thursday, November 22, 2007
I feel so totally owned.
Tell me am I blur or what? These few days I've been like bathing, thinking that the shampoo ran out, so I used another shampoo that is placed in the rack also, which I don't like the smell of it. And that I realise there is this pink bottle which looks like body wash and mmm, the smell is nice, so I used it as body wash.
It was until just now, I decide to check out the brand so that next time I can buy this nice smelling "body wash" and !!!! It is the freaking shampoo!! My goodness. Oh well, laugh louder if you wish, I just admit I am plain dumb. Haha.
Well, so learn from my mistake or foolishness or whatever, do check the body wash/shampoo you are using right now to make sure there are no mistakes like mine. =(.. Buuu~
And another dumb thing happened today, alright I had lessons from 8am all the way to 1p.m. After which I rushed home because I wanted to do some room keeping. When I was bathing (yes, thats when I used the shampoo as body wash....!!) I kept feeling that I forgotten something, and I realise.. I am meeting Ms Peggy and Douglas for MP meeting at 3 in school! Alright, nice one..
So I changed again, rushed out, and Luckily, I reached school just in time. So basically, there is something not right with me.. Haha.
Labels: blur, junyongk
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