Woot! it's been 2 days since I've been playing with my Rubik's cube. Yes, I went to buy finally from PS, and I've been stuck at some parts for quite some time. And finally today (just now) I'm like trying and trying, and learning for some time before I finally able to solve it for the 2nd time. And before I had to reference to the algorithms, but now I can really solve it on my own, without looking at anything, I just timed myself, and I managed to solve one in 4mins 49.1seconds. Not bad for a beginner right wahaha, so right now I just have to keep beating the timings! =) Hurray.
btw, I'm happy that I'm finally graduated, officially not a student anymore, the picture's you can actually proceed to Jiawen's blog to see it (althou I've got alot more of my own pics), but I'm just a little lazy =x. But well, I'll put it up once i get the compiled one from the rest.
And ytd's cg outing is great man! I mean it's really been long since we last gathered and sing. And even thou we didn't really sing long and didn't get to hear Vampy's & Lexmi's beautiful voices, I'm sure we did enjoy each other's presence, especially for Vampy and me since we can enjoy the Rubik's =x.
AND! the service today is great as well, pst Tan really shared something which I feel that it's important in our LIFE because this is eventually what we are called for, to really be an example for Christ and shining for His glory.
That's all for today, enjoy the weekend and have another enjoyable week ahead!
God bless.
Labels: kaiser
Cube's BestTimes:
[2X2X2] -m -s | [3X3X3] 1m 30s | [4X4X4] 6m 31s | [5X5X5] -m -s
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