Thursday, August 21, 2008
I'm happy! Finally got my long awaited package from
CUBESMITH!~ =). Yes, my first ever package from California! And the tiles are being packed nicely in the pastic cover (yes, unlike the ones from china, even thou they are packed in plastic covers too) and I felt that my wait was worth it!
Soon I'll be dressing my cubes with the new stickers and yes my plain 5x5x5 will be able to work =). So look forward to seeing my cubes up here soon, and yeah i'll post the pictures.
btw, the stickers doesnt make me solve my cube faster, its just a preference and you know, it'll actually last. And the timing for the solves are just a recording, nothing to boast about. =)
Kaiser, out
Labels: cubesmith, kaiser
Cube's BestTimes:
[2X2X2] -m -s | [3X3X3] 1m 30s | [4X4X4] 6m 31s | [5X5X5] -m -s
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