Saturday, August 09, 2008
bah! I'm back!
It's not like I just woke up or anything, but because I'm just too lazy to blog, fell sick few days ago. And yeah, today I woke up at 0630hrs. And once again I've made another replica of milo-in-a-coke-bottle.
This time, it's milo-in-a-vanilla-coke-bottle. LOL! (and it's chilled):
And this is my collection of cubes, yeah those white ones are the DIY cubes I was talking about ealier, I got them fixed but not lubed yet, and to my surprise, the 5x5x5 eastsheen cube is smaller than what I expected.. hmm..
Alright, last but not least, happy birthday SINGAPORE! Later gonna go out with CG to botanical gardens for some outdoor fun, and probably gonna meet the FREAKs to hang out tgt =).
That's all folks.
Kaiser, out.
Labels: national day
Cube's BestTimes:
[2X2X2] -m -s | [3X3X3] 1m 30s | [4X4X4] 6m 31s | [5X5X5] -m -s
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