Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Hey I'm back already! 1stly, as you may have seen, I can tag at the tagboard already.
Next off, my 3 days in sispec Golf coy not so bad YET, well it's hard to predict because we haven had trainings yet due to the ranking parade ytd. And besides, my PC(encik) is a commando.
Basically, the 1st day I went in, we got sorted into different coy, and the happiest is a happen to find my bmtc friends in the same coy and same platoon (again!) but different sect, but its also ok for me cos I can make new friends and I've done so already, got one guy in my sect know Jiawen again, just like in bmt Tianci in my sect oso know Jiawen. And the 1st day we had parade rehearsal from 1pm - 7pm. Its the same as GP rehearsal (my friend said, its like having a re-POP) then the 2nd day morning we had 2 rehearsal again before we had the actual one at 10+am.
So now we are no longer privates (damn I was an official private for 1 working day), but new rank liao, SCT in short for Specialist Cadet Trainee. And as I've heard from my encik and seen from the newspaper, there'll be no more corporal rank and our pay would be $20 higher than corporal. (yay)
And today we learnt a new weap'n (GL), the best part is we got to book out!! Oh what a great day, Christmas Eve! And my encik stay at tampiness, he gave me and 3 other friends a lift to tampines! Haha, my 1st book out and its a good exp loh, got to talk alot with him on the car. Thank God for the blessing!
Last but not least, I wanna wish everyone a
MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS!!~HAPPY BIRTHDAY JESUS!!~-KaiserLabels: Jesus, kaiser, merry christmas, spectator
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