Alright new list of
plannings ahead.
Not to forget I still have my
blog skin to make, and I'll start it pretty soon, by the end of this month, July. Still searching for my theme, and with that I'll get it started soon. (suddenly I have a theme that comes to my head). Alright, theme =
animation. Too general? We'll see about that, I'll think of a focus.
Some stuffs about me, I have a liking for acting, but it's different from those star-wannabe. I don't want fame but just love the feeling of being in a different plot, different experience of life. Therefore I've signed up for the
Drama Ministry in City Harvest, one thing I lack is confidence. And I really do get nervous over this despite many times I've act in dramas in school. Never been to a
drama interview, therefore I'm kinda excited yet nervous about the one coming on
Sunday, 15July.I also have a liking for
drawing and designing, always wished to be able to draw better, and do
designing, not because it is a hot topic and everyone is doing it, but because I find it interesting to me. Hence I wish to make
animations, where you combine
acting (storyboarding) and
designing (animating). Wish to have
a team of people where we can work together and make animations that people appreciate and love (anime makers, their stuffs are everywhere and known.). One difficulty in this area is that I'm always too
lazy to get started.
One reason I'm blogging it down, it's because I want to constantly remind my self of it, and publicize it as a form of vowing my
commitment on it. Although it isn't officially a vow, but I'll treat it as one, and certainly hope that one day I'll be what I wish to be.
I believe and I'll achieve. Ask and will receive.Jayel, Sam and I and also a few like-minded friends are gonna form up a small drawing group ( real passionate for drawing), where we are gonna learn and brush up our drawing techniques from one another. We are gonna start off small, so we'll grow as one and till we are able to impart to others. So you people out there, those who have a serious, strong burning desire to draw and wish to join our group, email me at or Jayel at The current idea we are having now is to meet up one day of every week to learn and discuss. (Jayel, sorry bout this sudden recruitment, final decision lies with you, I was thinking it'll be better to have more skilled people joining us as a group lol.)junyong
K.Labels: animation, aspiration, blog, community, drama, dreams, goals, group, vision
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